Control drive

Control drive (for holders of foreign driving licenses)

The foreign driver’s license must be converted into a Swiss driver’s license within one year of entering Switzerland.

Persons who wish to drive category B, B1, C, C1, D, D1 or F motor vehicles registered in Switzerland on a professional basis (e.g. lorry or cab drivers) must obtain a Swiss driving license for the corresponding category before commencing their first professional journey.

Download application as PDF

Driving competence can be tested during a test drive. This includes vehicle operation and other aspects, such as behavior towards other road users, how the driver adapts to traffic conditions, how he or she recognizes and reacts to possible dangers or whether he or she can enter a freeway correctly.


A failed or missed test drive cannot be repeated and will result in a driving ban in Switzerland. After that, in order to be allowed to drive a vehicle in Switzerland, the entire training course (including emergency assistance course, theory test, VKU, driving lessons and practical driving test) must be completed.

If you are unsure before your test drive, we will go through the most important topics with you again in just a few refresher lessons. This way you will definitely be fit to pass the test drive.

Tip from us: Don’t wait too long!

It pays off if you take care of the recognition of your ticket at an early stage.